Nudity at Instagram
Did not see that one coming
Magnus L Andersson
There is far too much nudity at the Internet called art, but never believed I would be a targeted as one of those getting a message from Instagram that an image had been removed due to nudity.
Today, the rules for what is allowed to publish at sites like Instagram are clear – no nudity, but still, it’s a matter what is to be called art.
Clothes are just to hide the truth - we all look the same
If you like our work, you are more than welcome to follow us at Instagram or have a look at Fotosidan (Swedish site for photographers) or LFI (international site for mainly images captured by Leica equipment). You are also welcome to contact us at for questions about our work, and to share links to this post.
I’m one of those…
I’m one of those who believe there is too much nudity at the Internet and much is called “art” even though its use is most probably contemplation. Moreover, we have all these influencer selling whatever-it-is by their appearances.
This is not any new thing and even my own camera brand was once marketed as something that attracts women, even though it today speaks more to hipsters.
Rules of Instagram
At the Community Guidelines of Instagram, one can read the following
We know that there are times when people might want to share nude images that are artistic or creative in nature, but for a variety of reasons, we don’t allow nudity on Instagram. This includes photos, videos, and some digitally-created content that show sexual intercourse, genitals, and close-ups of fully-nude buttocks. It also includes some photos of female nipples, but photos of post-mastectomy scarring and women actively breastfeeding are allowed. Nudity in photos of paintings and sculptures is OK, too.
To me, this sounds fair, but then we come to the question of how to treat an image of an image of an exhibition of nude art?
Guilty or not?
Honestly, when I posted this image at Instagram I couldn’t see that it didn’t adhere to the rules. But, having said that I cannot deny it contains nudity and it was this absurdity in the context of the Leopold Museum that made me take the photo. It was almost like a statement for everyone to understand that this is what’s needed today to get people to notice what’s going on.
So, yes I’m guilty to have published nudity on Instagram. But, at the same time, the community rules of Instagram and other sites together with this image and everything else found on the Internet make me wonder where we’re heading. So-called influencers who in front of thousands of youngsters describe their sexual relations with whoever-it-is, museums with huge organs to attract visitors and then a nipple slip may result in being banned from a social media platform.

No one can say Austrians are conservative.
What can we learn from this?
My first lesson is that I shall most probably avoid publishing images of art, or images of images of art, which contains some kind of nudity.
But, more important to me is that just the need to have community rules like this says something about that clearly all of us making up this species have a problem to be moderate in public. So, please behave…
I can also tell you that I just learnt that having the image removed is not the only thing that happens, you also get “shadowbanned” for an unknown number of days or weeks. This means that no one can see your posts other than your followers, hence we’ll see how long the ban is for our account due to the image that was too much for Instagram.
Camera: Leica M Monochrom (M9) (Leica)
Lens: Leica Summilux-M 35 mm f/1.4 ASPH (Leica)
Filter: No
Medium: Memory Card Panasonic SDHC 16GB Gold Pro (Panasonic)
Scanner: No
As with many shots this day, I had by mistake adjusted the exposure compensation. However, in this case, it did not really have any impact on the rest of the settings.
Processing by Magnus L Andersson
To adjust for the unintended exposure compensation, I added an Exposure of +0.5. The Polaroid 665 Negative HC (Affinity) emulation is a bit of favorite by its increased exposure of the mid-tones that works very well for this type of image.
If you like our work, you are more than welcome to follow us at Instagram or have a look at Fotosidan (Swedish site for photographers) or LFI (international site for mainly images captured by Leica equipment). You are also welcome to contact us at for questions about our work, and to share links to this post.